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WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 allow [sb], allow [sb] to do [sth]⇒ vtr (let: [sb])SCSimplified Chinese 同意 tóng yì TCTraditional Chinese 同意   SCSimplified Chinese 允许 tóng yì,yǔn xǔ TCTraditional Chinese 允許   SCSimplified Chinese 许可 tóng yì,xǔ kě TCTraditional Chinese 許可  Will your parents allow you to go to the dance?  你爸妈让你去舞会吗? allow [sth]⇒ vtr (permit: [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 允许 yǔn xǔ TCTraditional Chinese 允許   SCSimplified Chinese 准许 yǔn xǔ ,zhǔn xǔ TCTraditional Chinese 准許  Smoking is allowed, but only on the balcony.  可以抽烟,不过只能在阳台上。 allow [sth] vtr (set aside)SCSimplified Chinese 预留… yù liú TCTraditional Chinese 預留…  You should allow two hours for travel to the airport.  你得为去机场预留两个小时的时间。 allow that vtr (concede) (不情愿地)SCSimplified Chinese 承认 chéng rèn TCTraditional Chinese 承認  I will allow that this time I am wrong.  我承认这次是我错了。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 allow [sb/sth] to do [sth] v expr (make possible to do)SCSimplified Chinese 使…能够做  The new tramline will allow residents of this neighbourhood to reach the city centre in just ten minutes.  新铺设的电车轨道将使这个社区的住户能够在十分钟内到达市中心。 allow for [sth] vi + prep (make provision)SCSimplified Chinese 考虑到 kǎo lǜ dào TCTraditional Chinese 考慮到   SCSimplified Chinese 留余地 kǎo lǜ dào,liú yú dì  We must make room to allow for expansion.  我们必须为扩建预留空间。 allow [sth]⇒ vtr (grant)SCSimplified Chinese 允许 yǔn xǔ TCTraditional Chinese 允許   SCSimplified Chinese 授予 yǔn xǔ ,shòu yǔ TCTraditional Chinese 授予   SCSimplified Chinese 同意 yǔn xǔ ,tóng yì TCTraditional Chinese 同意  The judge may allow leave to appeal the sentence. allow [sb] [sth]⇒ vtr (let have)SCSimplified Chinese 允许给予   SCSimplified Chinese 让…得到  You may be allowed travelling expenses. allow [sth], allow [sth] to do [sth]⇒ vtr (enable by neglect) (因疏忽)SCSimplified Chinese 任凭 rèn píng TCTraditional Chinese 任憑   SCSimplified Chinese 听任 rèn píng,tīng rèn  By not applying the handbrake, he allowed the car to roll down the hill. allow that vtr (acknowledge)SCSimplified Chinese 允许 yǔn xǔ TCTraditional Chinese 允許   SCSimplified Chinese 承认 yǔn xǔ ,chéng rèn TCTraditional Chinese 承認  The law allows that there may be exemptions.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:英语中文 Allow me. interj (offer)SCSimplified Chinese 让我为您效劳。   SCSimplified Chinese 让我来。  "Allow me!" a bellboy said, and took my heavy suitcase.  “让我为您服务!”行李员说道并拿起我的重行李。 allow me to do [sth] interj (offer)SCSimplified Chinese 允许我 yǔn hǔ wǒ TCTraditional Chinese 允許我...  Miss, allow me to open the door. allow yourself [sth] vtr + refl (indulgence)SCSimplified Chinese 放纵 fàng zòng  Even while dieting, I allow myself the occasional dessert. allow yourself [sth] vtr + refl (enough time) (充足时间)SCSimplified Chinese 给自己  Please allow yourself 15 minutes to complete the second part of the test.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: allow [əˈlau] vt 1 (=permit) [+ practice, behaviour] 允许(許) yǔnxǔ Henry doesn't allow smoking in his office.亨利不允许(許)在他的办(辦)公室吸烟(煙)。 Hēnglì bù yǔnxǔ zài tā de bàngōngshì xīyān. 2 (=set aside) [+ sum, time, amount] 留出 liúchū Please allow 28 days for delivery.请(請)留出28天的发(發)货(貨)期。 Qǐng liúchū èrshíbā tiān de fāhuò qī. 3 ▶ to allow sth to happen (by failing to prevent sth) 容许(許)某事发(發)生 róngxǔ mǒushì fāshēng We cannot allow the situation to deteriorate.我们(們)不容许(許)情况(況)恶(惡)化。 Wǒmen bù róngxǔ qíngkuàng èhuà. 4 ▶ to allow sb to do sth (=make sth possible) 允许(許)某人做某事 yǔnxǔ mǒurén zuò mǒushì The extra money allows them to distribute more aid. 额外的款项使他们能够提供更多援助。 Éwài de kuǎnxiàng shǐ tāmen nénggòu tígōng gèngduō yuánzhù.5 [+ claim, goal] 认(認)可 rènkě After an appeal, the goal was allowed.经(經)过(過)申诉(訴),这(這)一入球得到认(認)可。 Jīngguò shēnsù,zhè yī rùqiú dédào rènkě. to allow sb to do sth (=give permission for sth) 允许(許)某人做某事 yǔnxǔ mǒurén zuò mǒushì They allow their children to stay up late.他们(們)允许(許)自己的孩子们(們)晚睡。 Tāmen yǔnxǔ zìjǐ de háizimen wǎn shuì. don't allow the soil to dry out 不要让(讓)土壤干(乾)透。 bùyào ràng tǔrǎng gāntòu to be allowed to do sth被允许(許)做某事 bèi yǔnxǔ zuò mǒushì The children are not allowed to watch too much TV.孩子们(們)不被允许(許)看太多电(電)视(視)。 Háizimen bù bèi yǔnxǔ kàn tàiduō diànshì. smoking is not allowed禁止吸烟(煙) jìnzhǐ xīyān to allow that… (frm: concede)承认(認)… chéngrèn…allow for vt fus 不可拆分 [+ delay, inflation, possibility] 考虑(慮)到 kǎolǜ dào Allow for long delays on all routes north.要考虑(慮)到所有向北路线(線)的长(長)时(時)间(間)阻塞。 Yào kǎolǜ dào suǒyǒu xiàng běi lùxiàn de cháng shíjiān zǔsè. allow of vt fus 不可拆分 (=permit) 容许(許) róngxǔ 在这些条目还发现'allows': 在英文解释里: aerator - relaxing - turnout - viewer - work permit - workstation

标题中含有单词 'allows' 的论坛讨论:

China allows America to consume in excess In the USA, the law prohibits fewer things than it allows. , thus it allows - English Only forum a hotel app allows guest to check out remotely - English Only forum A person who always allows other people to dominate them - English Only forum A society people.... - English Only forum A telescope enables/allows/lets us (to) see details of the moon - English Only forum allow/allows - English Only forum allows an insight into - English Only forum allows for performativity on behalf of the viewer - English Only forum allows for someone else to substitute - English Only forum allows for you to ... - English Only forum Allows me to be involved - English Only forum allows targeting or for orbit insertion - English Only forum allows the (pass) holder entrance to ... - English Only forum Allows the app to ... - English Only forum allows the baby to benefit from intimacy - English Only forum allows the company/it to pay their employees - English Only forum allows to express [plural?] - English Only forum allows to monitor the targets and (to) detect possible threats [repeat 'to'?] - English Only forum allows to put / allows putting - English Only forum allows to - English Only forum as as my pocket allows/lets me - English Only forum as good as the world allows them to be - English Only forum but a little casuistry... allows - English Only forum camera < allows you to / lets you > shoot many.... - English Only forum carbon dioxide ALLOWS radiation FROM - English Only forum Design that allows for unpredictable costs/events - English Only forum Difference between “lets you” and “allows you” - English Only forum Dropbox, (a/the) company that allows users to share big files - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'allows'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "allows" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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